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As most of you know, my first major in college was Agriculture Education. My plan was to be a high school Ag teacher but the Lord had other plans. In the middle of my two month mission trip to South Africa I switched my major to Agricultural Studies. I heard the Lord tell me that I was running from the desire he placed in my heart to serve overseas. Without realizing it, I was chasing comfort instead of chasing the Lord. I ended up graduating a year early just in time to leave for the World Race.

In the past year and a half the part of me that wants to seek comfort questions if I made the right move. I think that it is also because I do still have a heart to teach, even if it isn’t in a classroom. More recently I have realized that I have a heart for high schoolers. I struggled a lot in high school with the desire to fit in. Instead of embracing who God says I am, I placed my identity in who others said that I was.

In Craiova, Romania I saw a lot of reflections of high school Lexy in the high schoolers there. I think that every high schooler can relate to this struggle to some degree. Because I could relate to them I had so many cool conversations pointing them closer to Jesus. The youth of Craiova are hungering after Jesus… most of them just don’t know that yet. They are searching, yearning for the love of our heavenly Father. I feel so honored that I got to be a small part of what God is doing in the lives of the youth in Craiova.

My squad’s time in Craiova was challenging. We fought through sickness, rejection in the streets, and language barriers. Craiova is a place where you learn to fight a spiritual fight. Craiova is a place that is known as “the graveyard for missionaries and pastors”. But at the same time Craiova is a place that is on the edge of breakthrough. Craiova is a place where people search for what is true. I believe that the Lord is rewriting the reputation of Craiova. I believe that revival is coming to Craiova. Jesus is there. The light always shines brighter than the darkness. The enemy may think that he holds Craiova in his hands but in the end Jesus always wins.