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Hey Friends!!

It’s been about two months since I committed to the 11n11 trip! Time just seems to be flying by! I thought that I would give you all an update of everything that has happened in the past two months. The Lord has been walking me through this season in such a sweet way and it has been beautiful to see all that He is doing.

In the past two months my graduation plans have changed. I originally was planning on finishing my last semester of school after the race. As I walked to my advising appointment at Iowa State I asked the Lord to give me peace of mind in the path I should take. As I explained to my advisor my situation, he looked at the credits I had left to take and he told me that if I wanted to graduate in the spring he could help me get there. This definitely came as a surprise to me. I was not expecting to graduate this early at all! I felt peace in making the decision to graduate in the spring, so I will be graduating a whole year early in May!

With this change in plans comes a lot of uncertainty. I have not a clue what life will look like after the race but I am super excited that I get to go into this trip open handed for whatever the Lord has for me. It has been challenging to not try and plan out what I’m going to do afterwards but I know the the Lord has a plan that He will reveal in His timing. So here I am waiting on the Lord and simply trusting in Him.

“ But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”  

                                                                                                   2 Peter 3:8-9

In taking the time to adjust to this new plan and picking an extra class for the second half of the semester it took me a while to jump into fundraising but fundraising has officially begun!! For the Month of November I am partnering with Keys For The Journey! At the checkout you can select my name (Alexus Donath) in the area where it asks which partner you would like to support. Up to 35% of the funds will be donated to my fund directly at the end of the month. You can buy them at:

I am also planning on designing T-shirts to sell next month, so look out for that soon! In the mean time I will be reaching out to some of you to schedule some time to talk about what partnering with me in this journey might look like. If you are interested you can contact me in the “contact me” portion of my blog or if you already have my number just shoot me a text or call me and we can set something up! I look forward to updating you all soon!
